Inspite of its different colour for soap, foam’s colour is always white in colour. This happens because foam is made out of a

By Babita kashyapEdited By: Publish:Fri, 26 Dec 2014 12:36 PM (IST) Updated:Fri, 26 Dec 2014 12:40 PM (IST)

1.The mystery of white foam from coloured Soap’s

Inspite of its different colour for soap, foam’s colour is always white in colour. This happens because foam is made out of a

millions of very small bubbles having an imperfect transparent thin layer which encloses some air inside. So the bubble from the inside is darker than that of outside of the same. As a result, the bubble acts like miniature mirrors and since the light which falls on the bubble is white light; so what we see is also white in colour.

2. Gray hair: His own Asset

Have you thought why the colour of hair becomes white when we grow old? It's just that as we grow old, the pigment cells in the hair follicles called melanin die and as a result the hair, which grows attains a more transparent colour of gray, silver or white.

3. Doors in Summer and Winter

Usually, the doors and windows appear big in summers and small in

winters. This is because in the summer, the molecules heat up and gets displaced from its position, thus even making the solid wood to grow a little. In winters, the molecules ply very slowly and thus remain contracted.

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